Start viewing yourself as WORTHY.

Uncategorized Feb 16, 2021

Hahaha! Soo I decided to have a little debate on flowers 💐 

Yes, you heard me, right girl!

Do you think that flowers are a waste of money or investment?🤷🏼‍♀️

I had this question on my Instagram and it was interesting to hear the opinions of the people. But at that moment it made me think, how some people look at the cost of things vs. how others at the return on their spending. 

Honestly, I saw flowers as a ‘waste of money’ and if I did buy them, I would pick the cheapest bouquet. Then I realized how flowers make me feel. If I LOVE myself enough why shouldn’t I spend a good amount as a treat for my soul? What is also does:

🌸 Brings joy and beauty into my life and home

🌸 It is a reminder of my constant up-leveling standards on my life

That is the same with your body. You see, the issue is you are just seeing the cost of things. Instead, think about what transformation am I receiving for this? I bet you’d pay a lot of money to achieve your body goal!

Keeping that same mindset is what keeps you in the cycle. ‘Cheap’ plans make a quick loss but it does not deal with the ‘root’ of the problem. I remember I cried with my first coach call and wanted a refund. I had doubts and regrets about investing in myself. 

But I stopped and thought...

Tori! You are FUCKING WORTHY  to invest in yourself! When I had that moment of retaliation, my life changed, not just my body. When you decide to change, to push yourself into the uncomfortable and overcome the scary things that come your way. 

That is when you GROW and your thoughts EXPAND 

Today, I want you to take on a challenge. The challenge to change your perspective and don’t be scared to INVEST IN YOU! 

Ready to feel worthy & attract abundance with ease?

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