How to get your dream clients!

mindset success Feb 16, 2021

Do you have that dream client in your top list and wish that she would reach out to you? Have that client signed with you for months??

In my days I would have many DM’s from girls that would ask me for PT prices and my replies were just giving them the price and that would be all. I would wonder:

Was the price too high?

Am I charging enough?

What am I doing wrong?

 Girl relax! You are not wrong. You just need to make sure that your program marketing is irresistible for your dream client not to click on that button to contact you. That way, when that time comes for them to reach out to you, you have built that trust and connection with that person. Show them how badass you are!

Let me give you some pointers to have that client not think twice on working with you:

Before you reveal your prices, get them on a call to see if they are a good fit. Let me tell you it works 95% of the time!

Build a connection- The client feels your honesty and your story. When you share your story, letting them know who you are, it builds trust between you and the client. Sharing your past struggles, being vulnerable. Let them know you are the hero of your own story!

Just listen- Listen to what the client is saying. Let them know that they are being heard, that you are there to lend them an ear. By doing this you are showing the client that you care on what they need to say and what they want.

Bridge the gap- See where the client wants to be. Where they are in their business. You can be the bridge to get them there so fcuking show them! Take the time to walk them through the process+ your authority! 

I have many clients that come to these exact same issues, so trust me you're not alone. I have done this with many women, that I know you can achieve this. 

Don’t forget to save this blog next time you have a sales call!

P.S if getting clients to pay you feels hard, chances are, you need to heal your relationship with money. 

I’ve put together an empowering AF bundle that will help you to feel completely supported by money on your journey as a business owner.

 It will help you to understand how money truly works and how to work through your blocks and limiting beliefs to be able to start attracting more, with ease…


Click here to download my free ‘Become A Wealthy Woman’ training bundle and start freeing yourself from the limiting beliefs holding you back from attracting the life and abundance you desire.


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