Do you ever suffer with money Anxiety in your Business?

mindset success Feb 16, 2021

Okay Queen, Let’s talk about ANXIETY AND BEING OVERWHELMED😨

You know that I have been 100% honest with you since day one. I have promised to amplify my authenticity throughout this year and develop myself through the journey. It has been a BIG transition in my business!

But… I have been freaking out just a tinyyyyy bit (actually a lot!)

There have been major shifts in my business and my anxieties have been getting the best of me. I am pushing myself through this to a new world of coaching: an empowerment mentor and spiritual Business Coach. 

That shit is scary AF!

It is a similar feeling when I had left my hairdressing job. There was something that was not connecting with me... But I kept doing it anyway. One night, I was walking through the forest. I felt my heart beating at a thousand miles per hour and I knew that regardless of how vulnerable I was feeling. How nervous and anxious I was- I had to do the right thing. 

So, HERE I AM! 🙋🏼‍♀️

I became this female empowering coach and I am here letting you know that leaders get anxiety too. We have freaked out moments, we get worried and get worried at times. 

And that’s okay.

It is safe to feel resistance. To feel vulnerable. 

Actually, when you feel resistance it is a sign that you are moving into a new era. If you are not meeting with it, you are simply going backward. When you feel it come to you, take it as a sign. A sign that something incredible is being created. 

Girl! I am feeling so excited about what my future holds and where my business is going. Don’t think that the people you see on your social media stories, living their best lives, that they have it easy. They also go through anxiety/ panic feelings throughout their journey. 

It is OKAY to feel unsure right now, my QUEEN👑 

Believe that everything is lining up for you. It will all make sense at one point and you will look back at all the crazy moments. You will just say… Thank you universe!

Keep moving forward, don’t look back. Your AMAZING future awaits. Trust the process. 

I’ve put together an empowering AF bundle that will help you to feel completely supported by money on your journey as a business owner.

It will help you to understand how money truly works and how to work through your blocks and limiting beliefs to be able to start attracting more, with ease…

Click here to download my free ‘Become A Wealthy Woman’ training bundle and start freeing yourself from the limiting beliefs holding you back from attracting the life and abundance you desire.


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